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krico / framework
MIT LicenseThe KRICO framework for workload classification and load prediction.
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citask / monitoring / roles / telegraf
MIT LicenseAnsible role for deploying Telegraf - the plugin-driven server agent for collecting & reporting metrics
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ansible-roles / filesystem
MIT LicenseA utility role for managing filesystem-related tasks.
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containers / ansible
MIT LicenseUpdated -
ansible-roles / S3 backups
MIT LicenseUpdated -
ansible-roles / ntp
MIT LicenseA role for deploying and configuring Network Time Protocol agents.
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ansible-roles / terraform
MIT LicenseUpdated -
citask / monitoring / roles / grafana
MIT LicenseAnsible role for deploying Grafana - an open source, feature rich metrics dashboard and graph editor
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citask / monitoring / containers / telegraf
MIT LicenseTelegraf - The plugin-driven server agent for collecting & reporting metrics
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containers / rundeck
MIT LicenseUpdated -
ansible-roles / lldp
MIT LicenseAnsible role for Link Layer Discovery Protocol agent installation and configuration.
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citask / monitoring / roles / kapacitor
MIT LicenseAnsible role for deploying Kapacitor - open source framework for processing, monitoring, and alerting on time series data